Being healthy is one of the priorities one may need to maintain in his/her life. Ones health can greatly affect his/her career and performance. And of course, good health also means taking care of your teeth and gums. Here some useful information one could take advantage of to improve one’s dental health.

Prevention of Common Dental Diseases

They say that prevention is the best medication. Well, somehow it is quite true. In order to avoid serious dental problems such as the common tooth decay (which is the second most common disease in the world), one must be able to properly brush twice a day and floss his teeth. drinking the required amount of water everyday is also very important to maintain dental health. It is also a good practice to gargle mouthwashes which reduces the bacteria presence in the mouth. Sugar-free chewing gums also help increase saliva secretion which can help in reducing acid activity.

The main idea is to reduce the acidic activity that is present in one’s mouth. Some particular form of sugar reacts with saliva and produces acidic reactions, so that is why it is best to drink water to flush down sugar and food particles. The bacteria from plaques secretes acidic substance harmful to teeth enamel causes tooth decay and cavities. If plaque remains too long on the tooth, it becomes tartar, which grows beneath the gum line, damages and infects gums.

Regular check up and dental cleaning is also necessary. You have to schedule a monthly visit to the dental clinic to have your dental health diagnosed. The Green Apple Dental Clinic offers cleaning services including removal of plaques. Gum treatment is also available. Dentists can remove food residues and other particles which are stuck in your gums. If food and other particles remain in the gums, it may lead to a very serious gum infection and bleeding.

Orthodontics, Prosthodontics, and Cosmetic Dentistry

Orthodontics treats people who suffer from defective bites or malocclusions. People with defective or improper bites have tooth which are horribly arranged. Some have improper biter bites due to the excess sizes of growing tooth or perhaps, the persons, jaws are too small to have the right number of teeth. Orthodontic treatments involve using of these wired objects called Braces and Retainers. Braces are different in appearance from Retainers; however, both treatments have the same goal, to correct bite deformity.

A few years ago, orthodontic treatments were only applied to children, teens and young adults, whose permanent teeth are still in development. But today, modern clinics like Green Apple Dental can now have adults as candidates for orthodontic treatments. They offer a wide variety of braces designs, and even an invisible brace called the Invisalign.

Prosthodontics, on the other hand specializes in the treatment of severely damaged teeth, and restoration or improvement of the oral appearance and function. Treatments include repairing of heavily cracked or chipped tooth. Prosthodontics also involves the application of dentures or fake teeth. Implants or implanted tooth, which is commonly applied with dental surgery, may also fall under this dentistry department.

Lastly, cosmetic dentistry stresses more on the one’s teeth appearance. Green Apple Dental clinic offer these services under this category. This includes teeth whitening and Veneers. Cosmetic dentistry actually falls somewhere in the middle of the 2 categories mentioned above, slightly inclined more towards Prosthodontics. If you have a severely stained or chipped tooth, the best treatments may be bonding and stain removals. If your teeth is not naturally white, you could go for teeth whitening or veneers.


The Myobrace System is a no-braces approach to straightening your teeth and jaws.

Treatment uses myofunctional orthodontic techniques to address the poor oral habits (known as myofunctional habits) that are the real, underlying causes of crooked teeth and uses light, intermittent forces to align the teeth. Myofunctional orthodontic techniques have been practiced by Orthodontists and Dentists around the world for over 50 years.

This is done through the use of a series of removable dental appliances that are worn for just 1-2 hours each day and overnight while sleeping.

Daily use of the Myobrace combined with regular activities (to improve breathing, muscle function and tongue posture) results in straighter teeth and improved function, leading to optimal facial development and a healthier smile.

What Causes Crooked Teeth

Did you know, 3 out of 4 children have crowded teeth and incorrectly developing jaws. These problems can be seen from as early as 5 years of age.

Modern research has shown that crowded teeth, incorrect jaw development and other orthodontic problems are not caused by big teeth in small jaws or hereditary factors. Mouth breathing, tongue thrusting, reverse swallowing and thumb sucking (known as incorrect myofunctional habits) are the real causes. Allergies, asthma and an open mouth posture also contribute to incorrect jaw development. Growing up, most of us have had one or more of these myofunctional problems, which may have been the cause of incorrect dental and facial development.

Just getting braces, with or without extractions, does not address the underlying causes of crooked teeth. This is why once the braces are removed, the teeth usually crowd up again, unless poor oral habits are corrected. This is why treatment with braces alone commonly results in the need for life-long retainers.

The Causes of Crooked Teeth – Soft Tissue Dysfunction

A normal upper jaw forms because the tongue rests in the area between the upper teeth, where it counteracts the pressure of the cheeks which would otherwise push your teeth inwards and create a narrow jaw with crooked teeth.

If the tongue and lips are not functioning correctly, crowded teeth and underdeveloped jaws are the result. These poor oral habits are known as incorrect myofunctional habits.

If the function and jaw shape are correct, there is usually plenty of room for the teeth.

The Causes of Crooked Teeth – The Growth Potential

A Child’s jaws and face naturally grow downwards and forwards. The jaws are constantly reshaped and influenced by the surrounding muscles of the face. If these muscles are functioning correctly and the tongue is in the correct position, with the mouth closed most of the time, then the growth will achieve full genetic potential.

Reverse swallowing and mouth breathing can restrict the forward growth of the jaws and face. The shadowing on the image (right) shows how much growth potential is lost as a result of these poor myofunctional habits during the growing years. This results in insufficient space for the front and back teeth – including the wisdom teeth. Correction of these myofunctional habits allow the teeth, jaws and face to reach full genetic potential, and the teeth to move into their correct position naturally.

The Causes of Crooked Teeth – Correcting the problems

The Myobrace appliances are designed to correct poor myofunctional habits by re-training the oral muscles. This can also produce considerable improvements in posture.

Unlike traditional orthodontics, the primary goal of Myobrace treatment is to achieve straight teeth for life – without the need for braces or retainers. Treating the causes of crooked teeth also improves overall health.

3 out of every 4 children have crowded teeth and incorrectly developing jaws. These problems are evident to many parents in their children from as early as 3 to 5 years of age.

A white bright smile can be a confidence booster and a great way to get noticed. Depending on our everyday choices, we may not have the smile we always wanted. Wine, smoking, tea, soda and other foods and beverages can cause teeth staining.

What causes yellow teeth?

There are numerous types of teeth stains; some are genetic, environmental or pharmacological in nature. The most common are surface stains on the enamel or beneath the enamel in the dentin. Surface stains are caused by foods, beverages and lifestyle behaviors, like smoking. Over time, surface stains may penetrate the enamel and change the color of the dentin, which darkens the overall appearance of the tooth due to the translucency of the enamel layer. When this occurs, the tooth often appears yellow.

What teeth whitening options are there?

There are many whitening options, from OTC toothpastes, rinses and strips, to professionally supervised solutions such as Philips Zoom in-office and take-home whitening.

How do whitening products remove surface stains?

Certain products may remove surface stains by using abrasion or through a chemical reaction. Whitening toothpastes may contain silica molecules that polish the enamel.

How do whitening products remove stains below the enamel?

Whitening products including hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide, which cause a chemical reaction that breaks apart the carbon bonds that create yellow stains. Once the bonds are broken, they no longer reflect a yellow color.

Is teeth whitening safe for my teeth?

As you would with any product you use on your body, be sure to follow the teeth whitening directions carefully. Some whitening products can irritate your gums or cause undue sensitivity if used improperly or too often.

The safest way to whiten your teeth is under the supervision of your dental professional who will assess your overall oral health, the health of your teeth and know the history of your teeth. For example, if your dental professional knows that you are prone to sensitivity, he or she may recommend a gentle formulation to ensure you get the results you are looking for with a treatment that you will enjoy.

How long does my treatment last?

Most whitening services are designed to last for a long period of time, but relapse is not uncommon due to personal behaviors that restain your teeth.